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1 Tube Principal

1 Misted Paisagem




AP [Lines]

Carolaine and Sensibility

Graphics Plus



1 - Abrir o material no PSP, duplique e feche o original.

Escolher duas cores para trabalhar.

Foreground #2d1b11

Background #f2ecde

2 - Abra uma imagem transparente de 800 x500 px.

3- Pintar esta layer com a cor do background.

4 - Selections > Select All.

5 - Edit > Copy no tube principal.

 Edit > Paste Into Selection.

6 - Selections > Select None.

7- Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling: Default.

8 - Adjust > Blur > Radial Blur.

9- Adjust>Add Noise.

10- Layers > New Raster Layer.

Pintar com a cor do Foreground.

Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image: NarahsMasks_1549.

Layers > Merge > Merge Group.

11- Layers > Duplicate.

Layers > Merge > Merge Down.

12- Effects > Reflections Effects > Rotatin Mirror.

13 - Selecione com a ferramenta Freehand Selection Toll como mostro no print.

14- Layers > New Raster Layer.

Pintar com o gradiente Linear.

15 - Effects > Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility > CS_DLines.

16 - Selections > Select None.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop shadow.

17- Layers > Duplicate.

Image>Mirror>Mirror horizontal.

Layers > Merge > Merge Down.

18- Ativar a Raster 1.

19 - Selecione com a ferramenta Freehand Selection Toll como mostro no print.

20 - Selections > Promote Selection to Layer.

21 - Arrastar essa layer para baixo da raster 2.

22 - Effects > Plugin AP [Lines] > Silver Lining.

23- Effects > 3D Effects > Drop shadow.

Selections > Select None.

24- Ativar a Raster 1.

25 - Selecione com a ferramenta Freehand Selection Toll como mostro no print.

Selections > Promote Selection to Layer.

Selections > Select None.

26- Effects > Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility > CS-LDots.

27- Effects > 3D Effects > Drop shadow.

Renomeie como tira.

Selections > Select None.

28 - Ative a layer promoted Selection.

29 - Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling: Default.

30 - Ative a layer da mask.

31 - Effects > Geometric Effects> Perspective Horizontal.

32- Layers > Duplicate.

Image >Mirror > Mirror horizontal.

Layers > Merge > Merge Down.

33 - Adjust > Add Noise.

34- Effects > Art media Effects > Brush Shokes.

35 - Ative a layer promoted Selection.

Edit > Copy no Misted Paisagem.

Edit > Paste a New Layer.

36 - Ative a Layr Raster 2.

37- Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling: Stutter diagonal.

38 - Ative a layer tira.

39 - Layer > Arrange > Bring to Top.

40 - Objects > Align > Center in Canvas.

41- Effects > Geometric Effects > Perspective Horizontal.

42 - Image > Mirror > Mirror horizontal.

43 - Repetir o item 41.

44- Effects > Distortion Effects > Wave.

45- Com a ferramenta pick puxe para os lados.

46- Objects > Align > Top.

47- Effects > 3D Effects > Drop shadow.

48- Layers > Duplicate.

Image > Mirror > Mirror vertical.

Layers > Merge > Merge Down.

49 - Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling: Side by side.

50- Image > Add Borders:

2px cor do foreground

2px cor do background

2px cor do foreground

51- Selections > Select All.

Edit > Copy.

52 - Image > Add Borders: 50 px cor branca.

Selections > Invert.

Edit> Past Into Selection.

53 - Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur: 30.

Plugin Graphics Plus > Cross Shadow.

Selections > Invert.

54 - Effects > 3D Effects > Drop shadow.

Selections > Select None.

55 - Edit > Copy no tube principal.

Edit > Paste a New Layer.

Posicione e aplique Drop Shadow como preferir.

56- Image > Add Borders: 2px cor do foreground.


57 - Se você desejar, redimensione seu trabalho.

Aplicar sua marca d'água ou assinatura.

File > Export > JPEG Optimizer.

Tutorial by Roberta Maver
Tube Principal by Nikita - Misted Paisagem by Guismo 

Tutorial by Roberta Maver'20




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Tutorial criado por Roberta Maver /2020 para SIM-PSP. Não poderá ser copiado, retirado de seu lugar, traduzido ou utilizado em listas de aprendizados ou grupos  sem o consentimento prévio da autora.