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MATERIAL 1 Tube Principal 1 Misted Paisagem
PLUGINS AP [Lines] Carolaine and Sensibility Graphics Plus
TUTORIAL 1 - Abrir o material no PSP, duplique e feche o original. Escolher duas cores para trabalhar. Foreground #2d1b11 Background #f2ecde
Pintar com a cor do Foreground. Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image: NarahsMasks_1549. Layers > Merge > Merge Group.
Layers > Merge > Merge Down.
Pintar com o gradiente Linear.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop shadow.
Image>Mirror>Mirror horizontal. Layers > Merge > Merge Down.
Selections > Select None.
Selections > Promote Selection to Layer. Selections > Select None.
Renomeie como tira. Selections > Select None.
Image >Mirror > Mirror horizontal. Layers > Merge > Merge Down.
Edit > Copy no Misted Paisagem. Edit > Paste a New Layer.
Image > Mirror > Mirror vertical. Layers > Merge > Merge Down.
2px cor do foreground 2px cor do background 2px cor do foreground
Edit > Copy.
Selections > Invert. Edit> Past Into Selection.
Plugin Graphics Plus > Cross Shadow.
Selections > Invert.
Selections > Select None.
Edit > Paste a New Layer. Posicione e aplique Drop Shadow como preferir.
57 - Se você desejar, redimensione seu trabalho. Aplicar sua marca d'água ou assinatura.
File > Export > JPEG Optimizer.
Tutorial by Roberta Maver'20
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