Tutorial by
Roberta Maver
English Translation by Moderation SIM-PSP
Original Tutorial

1 Main Tube of your choice
Misted Landscape
of your choice

Plugin Mehdi
1 - Open the material on the PSP, duplicate and close the
Choose two colors to work with:
Foreground #294b4a
Background #d0d3c2

2 - Open the AlphaGabrielle_by Roberta file, duplicate and
close the original.
Paint with the Linear gradient, Angle 0, Repeats 1, Invert: Checked
formed by the
colors in use.

Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur: 25

3 - Layers > New Raster Layer.
Selections > Select All.
Edit > Copy the Misted Landscape.
Edit > Paste Into Selection.
Selections > Select None.
4 - Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Luminance (Legacy)

Layers > Merge > Merge Down.
5 - Effects > Plugins > Mehdi > Sorting Tiles:

Effects > Edges efects > Enhance.
6- Layers > New Raster Layer.
Paint with the same gradient as you are using:

Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur: 25

7 - Effects > Plugins > Penta > Dot and Cross:

8 - Effects > Plugins > AAAFrames > Foto Frame:

Image > Resize: 90% - all layers unchecked.
Layers > Merge > Merge Down.
Layers > Duplicate.
Image > Resize: 90% - all layers unchecked.
9 - Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow:

10 - Layers > Duplicate.
Image > Resize: 80% - all layers unchecked.
11 - Effects > Plugins > Simple > Diamonds.
With the Eraser Tool erase these little dots on both sides...

Activate Layer Copy of Raster 1
12 - Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From Alpha
Channel: Selection #1
Edit > Copy no Misted Paisagem.
Edit > Paste Into Selection.
Adjust > Sharpness > Sharpen
Selections > Select None.
Activate the top layer. (Copy (2) of Raster 1)
13 - Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow:

14 - Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From Alpha
Channel: Selection #2
Layers > New Raster Layer.
Paint with the same gradient as you are using:

Still with the selection...
15 - Effects > Texture Effects > Weave:
Weaver color: #000000

16 - Edit > Copy the Misted Landscape.
Edit > Paste Into Selection.
Adjust > Sharpness > Sharpen.
Selections > Select None.
17 - Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 80, 30, color:
18 - Edit > Copy the Decor1forgetyou_ByRoberta.
Edit > Paste as New Layer.
Layers > Arrange > Move Down.
19 - Image > Add Borders
> Symmetric: 1 px - color: Foreground #294b4a
Selections > Select All.
Image > Add Borders > Symmetric: 10 px - color: Background
Selections > Invert.
20 - Effects > Texture
Effects > Weave:
Weave Color: #000000

Selections > Select None.
Image > Add Borders > Symmetric: 1 px - color: Foreground #294b4a
Selections > Select All.
21 - Image > Add Broders > Symmetric: 40 px with any
Selections > Invert.
Paint with the same gradient as you are using:

22 - Effects > Plugins > Penta > Dot and Cross:

Selections > Invert.
23 - Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow:

Selections > Select None.
24 - Edit > Copy the Decor2forgetyou_ByRoberta.
Edit > Paste as New Layer.
25 - Edit > Copy the Main Tube.
Edit > Paste as New Layer.
Image > Resize if necessary.
Position of your choice.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: your choice.
26 - Edit > Copy the Titulo_ForgetYou_Roberta.
Edit > Paste as New Layer.
Position of your choice.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow:

Image > Add Borders > Symmetric: 1 px - color: Foreground #294b4a
27 -
Apply your watermark or signature.
File > Export > JPEG Optimizer.

Tutorial by
Roberta Maver
English Translation by Moderation
Main Tube: Tubed by
Misted Landscape:
Tubed by Animabelle
Feel free to send your versions.
I will be happy to publish them on our website.

Tutorial created by RobertaMaver, in May
/ 2021. Translated into English in August / 21, by the Moderation of SIM-PSP. It cannot be
copied, removed from its place, translated
or used in learning lists or groups without
the author's
prior consent. |