Obrigada aos nossos tradutores!



1 Tube Principal a sua escolha

1 Misted Paisagem a sua escolha





*Ao usar o material lembre-se de apagar a Marca D'água.



Carolaine and Sensibility

Filters Unlimited 2.0

Mura's Meister


Visual Manipulation


* Os Blends podem variar de acordo com as cores que se está usando.

Fique à vontade para testar outros blends.




1 - Abrir o material no PSP,  duplique e feche o original.

Escolher 2 cores para trabalhar.

Foreground #51524d

Background #f6f6f6


2 - Abra o AlphaChannelWinter.

Pintar com a cor do background.

Selections > Select All.


3 - Edit > Copy no Misted Paisagem.

Edit > Paste Into Selection.

Selections > Select None.


4 - Adjust > Blur > Motion Blur: Angle 45, Strenth 100.

Edit > Repeat Motion Blur.


5 - Effects > Edge Effects > Enhance.

Edit > Repeat Enhance Edges.


6 - Plugin > VanDerLee > UnPlugged-X.


7 - Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling: Default.


8 - Layers > Duplicate.

Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image: NarahsMasks_1549.

Layers > Merge > Merge Group.


9 - Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Difference, Opacity 50%.

Layers > Merge > Merge Visibile.


10 - Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: winter1.

Effects > Plugin Visual Manipulation > Transmission.


11 - Layers > Promote Selection to Layer.

Selections > Select None.

Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Screen.


12 - Ativar a layer Merged.

Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: winter2.

Effects > Plugin Visual Manipulation > Radial Transmission.


13 - Layers > Promote Selection to Layer.

Selections > Select None.

Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Screen.


14 - Ativar a layer Merged.

Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: winter3.

Effects > Plugin Visual Manipulation > Radial Transmission.


15 - Layers > Promote Selection to Layer.

Selections > Select None.

Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Screen.


16 - Ativar a layer Merged.

Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: winter4.

Effects > Plugin Visual Manipulation > Transmission.


17 - Layers > Promote Selection to Layer.

Selections > Select None.

Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Screen.


18 - Ativar a layer Merged.

Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: winter5.

Layers > Promote Selection to Layer.

Effects > Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility > CS-DLines.


19 - Selections > Select None.

Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Multiply.


20 - Confira as Layers.

Se desejar altere os blens.


21 - Layers > Merge > Merge Visible.

Layers > Duplicate.


22 - Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur: 20.

Effects > Plugin Mura's Meister > Perspective Tiling.


23 - Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: -10, 0, 35, 20, cor preta.


24 - Edit > Copy no Misted Paisagem.

Edit > Paste a New Layer.

Posicione como abaixo.


25 - Edit > Copy no tituloWinterBySoxikibem.

Edit > Paste a New Layer.

Com a ferramenta pick Tool posicione: Position X 369, Position Y 320.


26 - Edit > Copy no decorWinter1BySoxikibem.

Edit > Paste a New Layer.

Com a ferramenta pick Tool posicione: Position X 2, Position Y 101.

Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Multiply, Opacity: 50%.


27 - Layers > Duplicate.

Image > Free Rotate: Right, 90.

Com a ferramenta pick Tool posicione: Position X 726, Position Y 0.


28 - Edit > Copy no Tube principal.


Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow como preferir.


29 - Image > Add Borders:

2px na cor do foreground

40px na cor do background


30 - Effects > Filters Unlimited 2.0 > Background Designers IV > @FRame AFH Beveler 2.0a


31 - Selections > Select All.

Selections > Modify > Contract: 20.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 2, 2, 100, 0, cor preta.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: -2, -2, 100, 0, cor preta.


32 - Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 10, -10, 100, 10, cor preta.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: -10, 10, 100, 10, cor preta.

Selections > Select None.


33 - Se você desejar, redimensione seu trabalho.

Aplicar sua marca d'água ou assinatura.

File > Export > JPEG Optimizer.


Tube by C-Josy - Misted by Maryse - Mask by Narah


Tutorial by Soxikibem'19


Sinta-se à vontade para enviar suas versões.

Terei todo o prazer em publicá-las em nosso site.

Tutorial criado por Soxikibem Maio/2020 para SIM-PSP. Não poderá ser copiado, retirado de seu lugar, traduzido ou utilizado em listas de aprendizados ou grupos  sem o consentimento prévio da autora.