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1 Tube Principal à sua escolha

1 Tube Decorativo à sua escolha



Selections: CircleSelecXiki*

*(Salvar a seleção na pasta Selections do PSP)




Mehdi > Sorting Tiles

Mura's Meister > Copies

Mura's Meister > Perspective Tiling

AAA Frames > Foto Frame

FM Tile Tools > Blend Emboss

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact > Glass

Carolaine and Sensibility > cs_texture

Filters Unlimited 2.0 > Buttons & Frames > Round Button




1 - Abrir o material no PSP,  duplique e feche os originais.

Escolha quatro cores para trabalhar.

Foreground: #311a44

Background: #882b00

Cor 3: #5da0b0

Cor 4: #ffffff


2 - Abra uma Transparência de 900x600.

Pintar com um gradiente Linear formado pelas cores do Foreground e Background:


3 - Layers > New Raster Layer.

Selections > Select All.

Edit > Copy no SuizaBella_Ref_AG-001334.

Edit > Paste Into Selections.

Selections > Select None.

Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling: Default.


4 - Adjust > Blur > Radial Blur:


5 - Effects > Plugins > FM Tile Tools > Blend Emboss: Default.

Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Hard Light.


6 - Layers > Duplicate.

Image > Free Rotate:


7 - Effects > Distortion Effects > Warp:


8 - Effects > Plugins > Mura's Meister > Copies:

Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Dodge.


9 - Image > Free Rotate:


10 - Com a Magic Wand: Tolerance: 0 e Feather: 40, selecionar a parte debaixo deste efeito.

 Pressionar a tecla Delete 3 vezes.


11 - Layers > New Raster Layer.

Selections > Invert.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 50, Color: #000000

Edit > Repeat Drop Shadow.

Selections > Select None.


12 - Ativar a Layer Copy of Raster 2.

Effects > Plugins > Filters Unlimited 2.0 > Buttons & Frames > Round Button:


13 - Ativar a Layer Raster 3.

Layers > New Raster Layer.

Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection from Disk: CircleSelecXiki.

Edit > Copy no SuizaBella_Ref_AG-001334.

Edit > Paste Into Selections.

Adjust > Sharpenss > Sharpen.


14 - Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 50, Color: #000000

Adjust > Add/Remove Noise > JPEG Artifact Removal:

Edit > Repeat JPEG Artifact Removal.


15 - Layers > Duplicate.

Effects > Plugins > Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact > Glass.

Settings: Clear.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 50, Color: #0000000

Edit > Repeat Drop Shadow.


16 - Edit > Copy no decor1Xiki.

Edit > Paste As New Layer.

Layers > Properties > General > Blend Mode: Luminance


17 - Effects > Plugins > Carolaine and Sensibility > cs_texture:

Adjust > Sharpness > Sharpen More.


18 - Ativar a Layer Raster 1.

Effects > Artistic Effects > Halftone:

Color Scheme > Ink: cor do Foreground.

Effects > Edge Effects > Enhance.


19 - Ativar a layer Raster 5.

Edit > Copy Special > Copy Merged.

Edit > Paste As New Layer.

Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur: 20.

Effects > Plugins > Mehdi > Sorting Tiles:


20 - Effects > Plugins > Mura's Meister > Perspective Tiling:

Com a ferramenta Magic Wand: Tolerance: 0 - Feather: 80, clique na parte transparente deste efeito.

Pressionar a tecla Delete do teclado 5 vezes.

Selections > Select None.


21 - Edit > Copy no Misted Paisagem

Edit > Paste As New Layer.

Layers > Arrange > Move Down.

Se for usar a que esta em material, Pick tool: Position X 0, Position Y 52.

Layers > Properties > Blend Mode: Hard Light, Opacity: 60%.

* Posicione, mude o Blend e opacidade conforme a imagem e cores que estiver usando.


22 - Ativar a layer do topo.

Edit > Copy no tube decorativo.

Edit > paste As New Layer.

Posicionar e aplicar Drop Shadow à sua escolha.


23 - Edit > Copy no Tube Principal.

Edit > paste As New Layer.

Posicionar e aplicar Drop Shadow à sua escolha.


24 - Ativar a Layer Raster 2.

Layers > Merge > Merge Down.

Edit > Copy.

Image > Add Borders > Symmetric:

1px - Color: cor do Foreground

4px - Color: cor 4 (branco)

1px - Color: cor do Foreground

Selections > Select All.


25 - Image > Add Borders > Symmetric: 30px com qualquer cor.

Selections > Invert.

Edit > Paste Into Selections.

Effects > Edge Effects > Enhance.

Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel:

Edit > Repeat Inner Bevel.

Selections > Select None.


26 - Selections > Select All.

Image > Add Borders > Symmetric: 40px com qualquer cor.

Selections > Invert.

Edit > Paste Into Selections.


27 - Effects > Plugin > AAA Frames > Foto Frame:

Selections > Select None.


28 - Edit > Copy no titulo_relax_bysoxikibem.

Edit > Paste As New Layer.

Colorize se desejar.

Pick Tool: Position X: 79, Position Y: 84.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 1, 1, 100, 0, Color: #000000

Edit > Repeat Drop Shadow.


29 - Image > Add Borders > Symmetric: 1px - Color: #000000


30 - Aplicar sua marca d'água ou assinatura.

File > Export > JPEG Optimizer.






Tube Principal: Tubed by Angel Star

Misted: by SuizBella

Misted Paisagem & Tube decorativo: Tubed by Nicole



Tube Principal: Tubed by Ana Ridzi

Misted: by SuizaBella

Tube decorativo: Tubed by CalliTubes

Misted Paisagem by Colybrix



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Tutorial criado por Soxikibem, em Janeiro/2022 para SIM-PSP. Não poderá ser copiado, retirado de seu lugar, traduzido ou utilizado em listas de aprendizados ou grupos  sem o consentimento prévio da autora.